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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 7287:2014-01

Steel axes and hatchets - Technical specifications

German title
Äxte und Beile aus Stahl - Technische Lieferbedingungen
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This German standard specifies the technical specifications for the manufacture and usability of steel axes and hatchets for the processing of wood, unless deviating specifications are standardized in individual product standards. This standard applies for the first time also for splitting axes and splitting hatches for the splitting of wood. The tools are divided into two quality classes for which different requirements apply. It does not apply for wooden axe and hatchet handles, for which the technical specifications are specified in standard DIN 68340. The technical specifications specified in this standard shall ensure that no hazard is caused for the user of the axes and hatchets. For this purpose, for the first time corresponding warnings are standardized as a requirement for the marking of these tools, amongst others, such as the warning not to hit on hardened steel or other axes and hatches. In particular, safety requirements for the materials to be used for the head (steel composition) and handle (for the first time also for plastic handles) and their hardness, for the design of axes and hatches as well as for the fixing of the axe or hatchet handle (minimum pull-forces for various weight classes) were specified. Furthermore, the standard contains requirements for the position of the eye and for the marking of the hammers. Furthermore methods for the hardness test, edge test and performance test are standardized. This German standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 121-05-12 AA "Schlagwerkzeuge" ("Impact tools") at the FWS.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 7287:1976-09 .

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