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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN 6868-14:2015-06

Image quality assurance in diagnostic X-ray departments - Part 14: RöV constancy testing of X-ray installations for digital mammography

German title
Sicherung der Bildqualität in röntgendiagnostischen Betrieben - Teil 14: Konstanzprüfung nach RöV an Röntgeneinrichtungen für digitale Mammographie
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The standard applies to constancy tests on digital mammography equipment in the projection modus. It specifies a procedure by which the constancy of relevant parameters of digital mammography equipment can be measured without mechanical or electrical interventions. The standard does not apply for subsequent digitalization of film images. It does also not apply for mammographic stereotactic equipment and special biopsy accessories. The standard contains image quality assuring specifications according to the German X-ray Ordinance (RöV) of 1987-01-08 in the version of the announcement of 2003-04-30, requirements according to § 16 and serves in connection with the Sachverständigen-Prüfrichtlinie (SV-RL) (testing guidelines for experts) and the Qualitätssicherungsrichtlinie (QS-RL) (quality assurance guidelines) for the fulfilment of national requirements in radiation protection. Recommendations of the "European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis, 4th Edition, 2006" have been adopted, as far as possible in accordance with the standardization principles, appropriate in accordance with the scope and the purpose of this standard and acceptable with regard to the extent of testing. Deviations from the "European Guidelines" in the form of additional requirements and measurement simplifications have been specified with the objective of maintaining the quality level. The standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 080-00-06 AA "Bildgebende Systeme" ("Imaging systems") of the NAR.

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN 6868-14:2022-01 .

Cooperation at DIN

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