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DIN 6730:2011-02

Paper and board - Vocabulary

German title
Papier und Pappe - Begriffe
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This document has been prepared by NA 074-01-01 AA "Terminology". This document is the national equivalent to an international series of the following standard series from the field of ISO/TC 6 "Paper, board and pulps". By means of the document prepared in a tabular form, it is apparent which level of conformity exists between this document and the following International Standards: - ISO 4046-1 "Paper, board, pulps and related terms - Vocabulary - Part 1: Alphabetical index" - ISO 4046-2 "Paper, board, pulps and related terms - Vocabulary - Part 2: Pulping terminology" - ISO 4046-3 "Paper, board, pulps and related terms - Vocabulary - Part 3: Paper-making terminology" - ISO 4046-4 "Paper, board, pulps and related terms - Vocabulary - Part 4: Paper and board grades and converted products" - ISO 4046-5 "Paper, board, pulps and related terms - Vocabulary - Part 5: Properties of pulp, paper and board" Terms which have not been translated into English and French are also interpreted in different ways and used differently in English usage. Therefore, as a precaution, the terms have not been translated. The publication of this document has become necessary, as a series of terms and definitions are no longer used. On the other hand, new terms and definitions are introduced, which, in the meantime, are used in normal technical language in the paper industry. Finally, already existing terms and definitions have been checked with regard to their understandability and applicability and have been partly modified.

01.040.85, 85.060
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 6730:2006-05 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN 6730:2017-09 .

Cooperation at DIN

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