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DIN 66401:2011-02

UIM - Unique Identification Mark - Application standard for very small items using matrix symbols

German title
UIM - Unverwechselbare Identifikationsmarke - Anwendernorm für kleinste Produktmarkierungen mit Hilfe von Matrix-Symbologien
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DIN 66401 specifies parameters for very small matrix symbols. At the same time, DIN 66401 defines short, unique data structures. The specifications in DIN 66401 serve for marking even the smallest products and objects by means of a Unique Identification Mark (UIM), so that they can be automatically identified in open systems. The basis for the data contents are the respective data identifiers according to ANSI MH10.8.2 and the "+"symbol according to ANSI/HIBC 2.3. The symbol parameters are defined in such a way that every identification mark composed in accordance with this standard can be used in a unique way in continuous supply chains from the marker to the user. The typical characteristics of a Unique Identification Mark are - a matrix symbology standardized by ISO/IEC, - a unique data element, - marking parameters. The matrix symbologies which can currently be used in connection with this standard are DataMatrix with error correction ECC220 according to ISO/IEC 16022 and QR code according to ISO/IEC 18044. DIN 66401 describes the marking of an object with structured unique serial numbers, and describes in detail the case of application regarding the marking of smallest products. To ensure compatibility, the relevant ISO/IEC standards are used for data structures and symbologies. The standard can be used anywhere where a unique identification in the smallest spaces is necessary, that means in the fields of precision engineering and optics, electronics, analysis technology, healthcare, independent of a specific field or region. Unique Identification Marks are typically attached to instruments, sample and test tubes, test strips, primary packagings, small plastic or metal parts. The specifications of the standard are especially suitable for direct marking procedures, for example inkjet and laser marking, but also for label printing. Complete special solutions can thus be avoided.

35.040.01, 35.240.63
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN V 66401:2005-06 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN 66401:2021-02 .

Cooperation at DIN

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