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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 66126:2015-08

Determination of specific surface area of disperse solids by the gas permeability technique - Blaine method

German title
Bestimmung der spezifischen Oberfläche disperser Feststoffe mittels Gasdurchströmung - Blaineverfahren
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This standard applies to the measurement of the specific surface area of disperse solids using the Blaine flow-through method. Furthermore, the Blaine method is not applicable for measurements of the specific surface area of disperse solids with fibrous or platelet-shaped particles, nor for measurements of the surface roughness or flow resistance of filters. The process also does not provide reliable results for disperse materials with wide particle size distribution. If such materials are to be characterised using the Blaine process, then they shall be classified into several particle size fractions which are to be analysed individually. The surfaces determined with the Blaine method are only suitable for the purposes of comparison of similar materials or for assessing the fineness of a single powder (for example, in grinding processes). This standard differs from DIN 66126-1:1989-02 and DIN 66126-2:1989-02 as follows: a) contents of DIN 66126-1 and DIN 66126-2 revised and summarized in one standard; b) derivation of the evaluation equations included in informative Annex A; c) prerequisites and application limits included in informative Annex B; d) editorial revision. This standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 005-11-43 AA "Partikelmesstechnik; Porositäts- und Oberflächenmessverfahren (SpA zu ISO/TC 24/SC 4/WG 3)" ("Particle characterization; Pore size distribution and porosity (Mirror Committee of ISO/TC 24/SC 4/WG 3)") at Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering (NABau) at DIN.

17.040.20, 19.120
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