Medical microbiology; methods for the determination of susceptibility of pathogens (except mycobacteria) to antimicrobial agents; agar diffusion test
German title
Medizinische Mikrobiologie; Methoden zur Empfindlichkeitsprüfung von bakteriellen Krankheitserregern (außer Mykobakterien) gegen Chemotherapeutika; Agar-Diffusionstest
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Medical microbiology; methods for the determination of susceptibility of pathogens (except mycobacteria) to antimicrobial agents; carrier of agents for agar diffusion test
Medical microbiology; methods for the determination of susceptibility of pathogens (except mycobacteria) to antimicrobial agents; agar diffusion test; examples for the interpretation of zone diameters
Quality management in medical microbiology - Part 13: Criteria for determination of active substance breakpoint for control strains used in susceptibility testing
Quality management in medical microbiology - Part 14: Requirements for the use of control strains for susceptibility testing of aerobic bacteria; MIC/IZD limits for aerobes