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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN 54458:2013-03

Structural adhesives - Determination of the flowability and application behaviour of viscoelastic adhesives using the oscillation rheometry

German title
Strukturklebstoffe - Bestimmung des Fließ- und Applikationsverhaltens von viskoelastischen Klebstoffen mit Hilfe der Oszillationsrheometrie
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The document specifies a measurement method for characterization of the rheological properties of structural adhesives using oscillation rheometry. The advantage of the method with respect to rotation measurements is the separation of elastic and viscous material properties. Thus more detailed information about the flowability of the adhesives are available leading to a better understanding of their processing properties. The described method is particularly suitable for filled and pasty adhesives. These are often processed in industrial applications often using automated pump and application systems and shall be accurately adjusted in their flow properties. As the rheological behavior of unhardened adhesives is mostly independent of their properties in the hardened condition, the standard can also serve for investigation of non-structural adhesives. The test standard is directed at adhesive manufacturers and users of structural adhesives as well as independent test laboratories. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 062-04-55 AA "Prüfung von Konstruktionsklebstoffen, -klebverbindungen und Kernverbunden" ("Testing of structural adhesives, structural adhesive bondings and sandwiches") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 17408:2020-11 .

Cooperation at DIN

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