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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 53436-1:2015-12

Generation of thermal decomposition products from materials for their analytic-toxicological testing - Part 1: Decomposition apparatus and determination of test temperature

German title
Erzeugung thermischer Zersetzungsprodukte von Werkstoffen für ihre analytisch-toxikologische Prüfung - Teil 1: Zersetzungsgerät und Bestimmung der Versuchstemperatur
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The toxicity of combustion gases is determined according to the current state of the art by means of validated calculation methods, which in turn are based on analytical measurement data. This is a contribution towards the reduction of animal testing. The boundary conditions of these analytical procedures reduce complex combustion gas mixtures to the toxic emissions that can usually be expected and assume efficiency class-specific additivity. The classes considered here include irritants and narcotics. Interactions between the classes or phase influences (gas versus aerosol versus substance interaction with solid particles) are not considered here. Depending on the fire scenario, novel products as well as known products with not yet investigated ingredients may decompose differently. Corresponding influences on the toxicity of the combustion gases cannot be excluded a priori. Interactive variables or emission substances that have not been analytically anticipated remain unconsidered in calculation methods. By means of the procedure described in DIN 53436-1, a possibility is created to check calculation methods selectively by means of inhalation tests on animals. Should the animal test result in a higher integral toxicity than the one calculated, then this would mean that either toxicologically significant interactions between specific substances are taking place or toxicological entities are present that have no analytical correlate. The determined toxicity profile provides the basis for chemical-analytical feedback. In other words, toxicological calculation methods can be validated for specific products by means of actual toxicity studies to the extent that innovative product improvement with respect to toxicity is able to take place with higher analytical accuracy. The device described in this standard is used to thermally decompose solid and liquid substances under defined conditions in an air stream. Furthermore, a method for determining the test temperature is described. This document has been prepared by Working Committee NA 005-52-37 AA "Prüf- und Rechenverfahren zur Ermittlung der Toxizität von Schwel- und Brandgasen (SpA zu ISO/TC 92/SC 3)" ("Test methods and calculation procedure for the assessment of toxicity of gases caused by smouldering and fire gases (national mirror committee for ISO/TC 92/SC 3)") at DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering (NABau).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 53436-1:1981-04 .

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