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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 50929-1:2017-03

Corrosion of metals - Corrosion likelihood of metallic materials when subject to corrosion from the outside - Part 1: General

German title
Korrosion der Metalle - Korrosionswahrscheinlichkeit metallener Werkstoffe bei äußerer Korrosionsbelastung - Teil 1: Allgemeines
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This standard provides guidelines for estimating the likelihood of corrosion of metallic materials as defined in Clause 3 that are exposed to the action of a corrosive environment containing an aqueous electrolyte solution constantly or only intermittently acting on the external surfaces of a structural component. These guidelines can also apply to installation components inside buildings as well as vessels, pipes and structural components outside buildings which are subject to the corrosive effect of soil, ground water or surface water. This standard supplements DIN EN 12502, Parts 1 to 5 for external corrosion. The likelihood of corrosion of installation equipment or of a component is governed both by the properties of the material and the corrosive environment, and by external electrochemical or structural variables. Since these factors are not always adequately known or foreseeable - to the extent necessary to make a reliable statement - the likelihood of corrosion and likely corrosion behaviour can, as a rule, only be estimated. If the technical rules and the protective measures discussed are observed, the occurrence of corrosion damage is less likely. Damage is only possible if several unfavourable factors, in particular the effectiveness of the protective measures, coincide. This standard does not deal with corrosion caused by the ambient atmosphere; this is covered in DIN EN ISO 12944-2. Furthermore, this standard does not deal with the assessment of the corrosion resistance of prestressed steels. This standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 062-01-71 AA "Korrosion und Korrosionsschutz" ("Corrosion and corrosion protection") at DIN Standards Committee Materials Testing (NMP).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 50929-1:1985-09 .

Cooperation at DIN

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