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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 4060:2016-07

Joints of sewer and drain pipes with elastomeric seals - Requirements and testing on joints with elastomeric seals

German title
Rohrverbindungen von Abwasserkanälen und -leitungen mit Elastomerdichtungen - Anforderungen und Prüfungen an Rohrverbindungen, die Elastomerdichtungen enthalten
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This standard applies in conjunction with DIN EN 6811, DIN EN 6812 and DIN EN 6813 for pipe joints with elastomeric seals, used in drains and sewers generally operated as gravity systems and for manholes, sanitary appliances and connectors. The specifications given in this standard apply only if the relevant product standards for pipes, for drains and sewers, and for manholes, sanitary appliances and connectors, which include elastomeric seals, do not specify otherwise. It does not apply to pipe joints for which functional tests have been published in European Standards for pipes and fittings. Requirements and test methods for pipe joints are covered in material-related European system standards, component standards and, in particular, in DIN EN 476. Currently, however, test descriptions are not comprehensively available for all material combinations of pipe systems and all types of pipe joints. The present standard describes in detail the tests and procedures, taking into account the requirements of European Standards. It is thus a guideline for testing special types of pipe joints. This standard will be withdrawn as soon as all tests contained therein are specified in European Standards. This standard has been prepared by NA 119-05-09 AA "Allgemeine Anforderungen an Rohre, Rohrverbindungen etcetera für Abwasserkanäle und -leitungen (CEN/TC 165/WG 1)" ("General requirements for pipes, pipe connections, etcetera used in drains and sewers (CEN/TC 165/WG 1)") at DIN Standards Committee Water Practice (NAW).

23.040.05, 23.040.60, 23.040.80
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 4060:1998-02 .

Cooperation at DIN

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