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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 28429:2014-05

Vacuum technology - Acceptance specifications for ion getter pumps

German title
Vakuumtechnik - Abnahmeregeln für Ionengetterpumpen
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This standard includes recommendations for the measurement of the end pressure, pumping speed, starting pressure and some other parameters characteristic for the pump. This standard applies to ion getter pumps (terms and definitions refer to DIN 28400-2) (hereinafter referred to as pumps) with a nominal pumping speed of more than 10 l s-1. The pressure range for the determination of the pumping speed is between 1×10-5 mbar and 1×10-9 mbar. This standard shall assure that the determination of the characteristic data of ion getter pumps is carried out in accordance with uniform procedures and under uniform conditions, wherever possible. The aim is to ensure that the measurements conducted by various manufacturers or laboratories and the information given in the catalogues of the manufacturers are in principle comparable. It is expected that the performance of new pumps will deteriorate over time because they are exposed to unknown gas stresses during their operating time causing irreversible changes regarding the performance. In the case of used pumps, the measurements allow for performance comparisons, provided they are performed under the conditions described as follows. The interests during the preparation are represented by Working Committee NA 060-07-01 AA "Vakuumpumpen" ("Vacuum pumps") at Section "Vakuumtechnik" ("Vacuum technology") at the DIN Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering (NAM). Representatives of the manufacturers and users of machinery and equipment as well as professional associations are involved in the preparation.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 28429:2003-04 .

Cooperation at DIN

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