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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN 25493:2015-01

Nuclear facilities - Protection of metallic surfaces of structural parts from damage from assembly aids, gaskets, packings, packaging material and thermal insulating materials

German title
Kerntechnische Anlagen - Schutz metallischer Bauteiloberflächen vor Schädigungen durch Montagehilfsmittel, Dichtungen, Packungen, Verpackungsmaterial und Wärmedämmstoffe
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The purpose of this standard is to prevent material damage to component surfaces (for example, corrosive cracking) or the resulting malfunctions. For these product groups, this standard specifies requirements with regard to compatibility with the component material and the media surrounding it, as well as application instructions. Permissible maximum mass fractions of harmful impurities are specified. The aim of this document is to specify the constituents of potentially harmful impurities of products and substances in order to exclude as far as possible any harmful corrosive effect when they are used on metallic surfaces. The effectiveness or suitability of a product for an intended use is not covered by this document and shall be technically evaluated separately. Working Committee NA 062-07-51 AA "Sauberkeitsvorschriften" ("Cleanliness") at DIN Standards Committee Material Testing (NMP) is responsible for this standard.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 25493:1997-09 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN 25493:2018-02 .

Cooperation at DIN

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