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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN 25435-1:2014-01

In-service inspections for primary coolant circuit components of light water reactors - Part 1: Automated ultrasonic testing

German title
Wiederkehrende Prüfungen der Komponenten des Primärkreises von Leichtwasserreaktoren - Teil 1: Mechanisierte Ultraschallprüfung
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This standard shall be applied for in-service inspections with mechanized ultrasonic test devices that are conducted on components in the reactor coolant circuit of light water reactors. This standard is also applicable for basic tests on components in the reactor coolant circuit and on other components of nuclear installations. Mechanized ultrasonic inspections are carried out in order to enable an evaluation in case of a) malfunction indications (for example on austenitic weld seams), b) indications due to geometry (for example in case of root concavity), c) complex geometries (for example fitting weld seams), or d) if a reduction in the radiation exposure of the test personnel can be attained in this way. Ultrasonic test methods are defined for the validation of inhomogeneities (surface and volume), requirements for the ultrasonic test equipment, for the preparation of test and device systems, for the implementation of the test and for the recording. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 062-07-47 AA "Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung in der Kerntechnik" ("Non-destructive testing in nuclear technology") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 25435-1:2005-09 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN 25435-1:2020-12 .

Cooperation at DIN

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