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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 19682-7:2015-08

Soil quality - Field tests - Part 7: Determination of infiltration rate by double ring infiltrometer

German title
Bodenbeschaffenheit - Felduntersuchungen - Teil 7: Bestimmung der Infiltrationsrate mit dem Doppelring-Infiltrometer
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This standard specifies two methods (steady-state and transient) for determining the infiltration rate (infiltration intensity) by means of in-situ measurement methods that can be carried out in the field. The standard belongs to a series of methods for characterizing the soil water regime. The results obtained are extremely dependent on the inhomogeneity of the surface structure (methodical source of error). Therefore, parallel measurements should be carried out at different points in order to confirm the measured values or to reproduce the natural scattering of the measured values. The achievement of the state of equilibrium is also strongly influenced by the soil structure. In heavily silted soils, evaporation losses should be taken into account and avoided by applying a layer of sand.

13.080.99, 65.060.35
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 19682-7:2007-07 .

Cooperation at DIN

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