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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN 14649:2011-07

Explosion-proof lights for rescue teams

German title
Explosionsgeschützte Leuchten für Einsatzkräfte
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This standard contains requirements for the conditions to be observed for explosion-proof rescue lights if they are used as a part of the personal equipment for rescue teams, given to or permitted to be carried along by rescue teams in particular rescue situations. EC Directive 94/9/EC is decisive for design, testing and placing on the market. This document is applicable for explosion-proof rescue lights used in potentially explosive atmospheres. Due to a needs analysis performed by NA 031-02-02 AA "Elektrische Betriebsmittel" ("Electrical equipment") of FNFW it has been established that the portable searchlights in accordance with DIN 14642 which have been used until now do not satisfy all the needs of rescue teams. In particular, the need for a personal, handy rescue light became clear for which some significantly different requirements are given than those for portable searchlights in accordance with DIN 14642. The aim of this document is to provide those parties of countries and municipalities responsible for the procurement of personal protective equipment for rescue teams of emergency services and users with information for safe handling of this type of equipment. However, an affiliation of explosion-proof lights for rescue teams to personal protective equipment cannot be deduced from this document. This product standard replaces the pre-standard DIN V 14649:2005-09 and deals in particular with aspects of quality, occupational safety and product safety. The Committee responsible for this standard is NA 031-02-02 AA "Elektrische Betriebsmittel" ("Electrical equipment") at DIN.

13.220.10, 29.260.20
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN V 14649:2005-09 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN 14649:2018-03 .

Cooperation at DIN

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