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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN 10527:2011-11

Food hygiene - Sale of perishable foodstuffs from vending machines - Hygiene requirements

German title
Lebensmittelhygiene - Abgabe von leicht verderblichen Lebensmitteln aus Verkaufsautomaten - Hygieneanforderungen
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Perishable foodstuffs are very often offered for self-service via vending machines. This type of offer meets the desire of the users to provide themselves with food for the journey, despite of limited time and, so to speak, at the touch of a button. Vending machines can therefore be found particularly often in train stations, airports and motorway service stations. For this form of placing perishable foodstuffs on the market, particular attention shall be paid to meeting the hygiene requirements as normally it is not looked after by respective sales personnel and the machine must function over a longer period without being checked. This standard specifies hygiene requirements which set out the prerequisites for this special type of sale in order to place perishable foodstuffs on the market in accordance with the food hygiene rules. It contains general requirements for the operation, cleaning and disinfection of the machines as well as special requirements for the cooling and storage of the products. It specifies that the machines are equipped with an automatic system which in case of failure of the cooling system provides for a compulsory shutdown of the machine. By doing so, it is avoided that the defect machine continues to sell foodstuffs which have not been sufficiently cooled. Specifications for the installation, operation and the in-house control of vending machines to be carried out are given in an informative annex. Proper implementation of these specifications ensures perfect condition of foodstuffs up to the moment of selling to the consumer. It has been decided to revise DIN 10527:2004 as in Europe the legal basis in the field of food hygiene has been harmonized and due to this a corresponding adaptation of the references contained has become necessary. Furthermore, the definitions have been revised and supplemented and several clauses have been clarified. The requirements for in-house controls have been revised so that they are no longer only recommended but are now mandatory and shall be documented in written form. This standard has been prepared by Working Group NA 057-02-01-01 AK "Abgabe von leicht verderblichen Lebensmitteln aus Verkaufsautomaten" ("Selling of perishable foodstuffs from vending machines") at the Food and Agricultural Products Standards Committee (NAL).

55.230, 67.020
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 10527:2004-04 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN 10527:2024-01 .

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