Publication Normen-Handbuch 2024-10
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Eurocode handbooks 1 to 4: Bridges
(Please note: This product is only available in German.)
The Eurocodes are indispensable for bridge construction: They contain the technical building regulations for the calculation and dimensioning of bridges. The package from DIN Media includes Handbooks 1 to 4 on the subject of bridges — a package with all Eurocode standards relating to bridge construction, including the National Annexes.
The package “Eurocode 1 to 4 handbooks: Bridges" provides you with information on standard-compliant bridge construction:
The special feature of the Eurocode handbooks from DIN Media is that all documents — including the National Annexes — are available as an easy-to-read summary of the regulations: The handbooks summarize all the contents of the individual Eurocode parts relevant to bridge construction in a clearly structured text.
There are over 130,000 bridges in Germany and millions of people cross them every day — expert, standardized and highly safe construction is a basic requirement. Volumes 1 to 4 of the Eurocode each contain sections on bridges; the manuals in this package have extracted these and converted them into an easy-to-read format. The standards, their associated National Annexes and, where applicable, parts of residual standards have been summarized into a complete text that makes it easy for users to find the passages they are looking for. These four handbooks await you:
This practical package provides professionals with a collection of knowledge for the professional practice of bridge construction.
This book is for:
Structural engineers, civil engineers, universities, civil engineering students, authorities
3. Edition, 1146 Pages, A4, Paper covers, print
ISBN 978-3-410-38210-2 | Order number 38210
eBook 978-3-410-38211-9 | Order number 38211