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Appendix: Service description software – Nautos

Scope of services
Nautos is an application for process support in the management of technical rules and documents. It provides the functions described below as standard functions. The provision of additional metadata, further software modules and documents is not part of the basic scope of the software, but can be purchased in separate packages. The application is provided as software-as-a-service (SaaS), and the software is operated and hosted on a server of the Licensor or a third party commissioned by the Licensor.

In the on-premises software variant (module “Intranet” - no longer available to new customers), the necessary installation packages for operation on the Customer’s system are provided by the Licensor. The technical requirements can be found in the System Requirements enclosed with the individual offer for the Customer.

The application provided by the Licensor includes the following functions at the current time of development:

Nautos Basic

  1. Search, find, annotate, export and mark records within the existing metadata pool.
  2. Structure document lists in favourites (favourites folders).
  3. Monitoring and automatic data updates: In the event of changes to records in the favourites, a notification is sent immediately after a monitoring run initiated by the user or system.
  4. Create the user’s own (company) records.
  5. Link and display documents.
  6. User administration with role-based access rights in the system - create, manage and delete: users, user groups, roles, sites.
  7. The following access methods are supported:
    1. access via username and password.
    2. access via IP login.
    3. access via Single Sign-On (prerequisite: SSO module).
  8. Create simple usage statistics for document access.
  9. Licence management (control of rights to use and display records and documents).
  10. Order management with internal request and purchase of documents from the application.

Nautos Pro

Nautos Pro comprises all of the functions of Nautos Basic plus the following functions.

  1. Editor for watermarks and notes in documents.
    1. Customization options for stamps in "Document stamps" area.
      1. Add metadata fields, user fields and free text.
      2. Preview with colour coding of the stamp positions.
      3. Optional: Limit stamp to the first page of the PDF printout.
  2. Link management – Create deep links for targeted search results: Direct search results via URL by submitting search parameters.
    1. Searching: Deep links to search results.
      1. Direct jump to a results list in Nautos by submitting search parameters via a URL.
        1. Use of all metadata fields.
        2. Support of AND, OR, NOT operators.
    2. Favourites management: Deep link to folder.
      1. Sharing links to folders and switching between detailed view and Favourites folder.
        1. Folder ID visibility in the URL.
        2. Updates when changing folders.
  3. User management: Create dynamic groups.
    1. Admins can create dynamic groups based on user properties.
      1. Choose between static and dynamic user groups.
      2. Dynamic groups allow automatic user selection based on user fields.
  4. Role management: Creation and assignment of individual roles, configurable via a customizable basic user role.
    1. Creation in the “administration/settings/role management” area.
    2. Definition of role names and associated rights.
    3. Configurable rights:
      1. Rights for searching, creating search masks and table views and configuring own views.
      2. Rights to create favourites and manage own favourites and notes.

The following additional modules are available for a fee:

  1. Single Sign-On (SSO) – Automated login procedure for users.
  2. Online hosting (this is linked to the current EVB online storage space, available at
  3. ReqIF converter.
  4. API metadate.
  5. Intranet – On-premises software (no longer available for new customers).

The Licensor only provides the technical administration of the application; the administration of the application functions, in particular the compliance-compliant licencing of the metadata and documents in the application, is the responsibility of the Customer.

  1. Single Sign-On (SSO) – Automated login procedure for users
    1. With the Single Sign-On module, the Customer has the option of setting up and configuring external identity providers (IdP) as an additional login procedure in the application.
    2. When logging in, ongoing authentication takes place against the IdP defined by the Customer.
    3. User attributes and role assignments can be managed for the login procedure.
    4. Configurable logging of user login processes.
    5. Optional signing of authentication requests.
    6. Automatic certificate change possible.
    7. Management overview of activated login methods and IdPs.
    8. The following Single Sign-On methods are supported by Nautos Online:
      1. SAML 2.
      2. Shibboleth.
  2. Online hosting
    1. The Customer can transfer documents to the Nautos hosting directory:
      1. Individual files can be uploaded within the application (file limit 2GB).
      2. Create document links in Nautos including uploading files to the web application.
      3. A mass upload of several files can be carried out within the application (file limit 2GB), including a transfer of several files in one process step.
      4. Files are uploaded to an internal storage directory in Nautos (physical upload).
      5. Files in the internal storage directory can be deleted and renamed.
    2. The Customer can assign documents from the server to a record in Nautos:
      1. For single uploads in the results list, the document is automatically linked to the selected record.
      2. Manually uploaded documents can be subsequently assigned to a record.
      3. For mass uploads, an assignment file can be used to assign several files to the corresponding records in Nautos.
    3. The Customer can manage documents in the HOST directory:
      1. The Customer sees an overview of the files in the directory.
      2. The Customer can delete and rename displayed files.
      3. The Customer can assign displayed files to a record in Nautos (see 2.2).
      4. Filter files without assignment in Nautos.
    4. The Customer can call up documents:
      1. The documents in the HOST directory are identified by their own document icon in Nautos.
      2. When accessing the files in the hosting directory, the file is called up in the Customer's Windows default application.
    5. Securing files:
      1. A regular redundant data backup is carried out.
      2. No file structure can be configured within the hosting directory; all files are created in one directory level without subfolder structures.
      3. Editing the hosting URL of files created by the system.
      4. The Customer has the option of creating self-service backups. All files in a specific directory are provided by the Licensor’s Support. The Customer must name an appropriate directory for this purpose, in which the files are provided by Support.
      5. Access to files in the HOST directory outside the module's period of use.
      6. The storage space can only be used for links within Nautos.
      7. External access to the directory (without logging into the Nautos application) is not possible.
      8. Hosting storage can only be used within a tenant (no cross-tenant use possible).
      9. The Licensor only ensures the provision of files from the HOST directory. The files uploaded by the Customer are not validated (responsibility for uploaded files lies with the Customer).
      10. The hosting directory is not an http web space, and embedding in third-party systems is not possible.
  3. ReqIF converter
    1. The ReqIF Converter module is a service within Nautos that converts available content into the ReqIF format (OMG 1.2) so that customers can import it into other target systems. Text-based content is automatically broken down into requirement objects, their modality predetermined and enriched with document and requirement metadata. The transfer and display of the objects (including figures, formulas, tables) depends on the display options in the target system used and the target system version used. The ReqIF service delivers a zip file (.reqifz). The ReqIF converter module is currently only available for content from the following sets of rules: DIN, DIN EN, DIN EN ISO. The ReqIF converter module provides an automatic pre-classification for the modalities (binding) of the requirement objects, which can only evaluate text-based content and determine the binding based on the modal auxiliary verbs. If the sentence structure in natural language is too complex or ambiguous, the sentence recognition or pre-classification may be incorrect and must be reworked by the user. Graphics and unspecific design features cannot be evaluated. For these reasons, the user is responsible for validating the conversion results with regard to their use in the user’s systems and processes.
    2. With the ReqIF converter module, convertible records are marked accordingly in the application.
    3. Electronic versions of the above-mentioned sets of rules can be transferred for conversion.
    4. The converted documents are made available to the user in the Nautos download area in accordance with the applicable provisions.
    5. The converted documents are not stored in a database at Licensor, and they are not persisted.
  4. API metadata
    1. The module provides customer-specific access to submit search queries to the Nautos search via API.
    2. The endpoint is delivered without an interface; the Customer requires appropriate software (e.g. Postman) to execute the queries.
    3. The Customer is responsible for the technical integration of the API.
    4. The results are provided according to the configuration of the request (paging, sorting, offset) and can be exported in JSON.
    5. The Licensor reserves the right to limit the frequency of the requests and the scope in order to guarantee the performance of the service.
    6. All metadata fields of the Nautos search can be used for the request and the result - the search logic should deliver the same results as the GUI.
    7. Documentation of the field names and search parameters is available and is updated regularly.
    8. The metadata in the service is updated as part of the data updates in Nautos Online.
    9. Tenant-specific user information (company data, documents, user data) is not provided via the API.
  5. Validity of the IT GTC

In all other respects, the provisions of the IT GTC, available at, shall apply.

Appendix Service description software – Nautos current as of: 2025-02-17