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Draft technical rule

VDI 4800 Blatt 1:2023-08 - Draft

Resource efficiency and resource conservation - Methodological principles and strategies

German title
Ressourceneffizienz und Ressourcenschonung - Methodische Grundlagen, Prinzipien und Strategien
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Short description
The application of this standard makes it possible to make the efficient and sparing use of natural resources as a contribution to sustainable development more tangible and measurable for companies. In doing so, it addresses important cornerstones of resource efficiency and conservation, the realisation of transparent value creation networks and optimised processes and products. The standard defines and explains the essential framework conditions, methodological principles, content-related facets of resource efficiency and conservation, as well as examples.The target group of this standard is the decision-making level in organisations. This includes all persons in companies and other organisations who, due to their position and/or function, can significantly contribute to the planning and use of resources, the implementation of resource-efficient and resource-saving measures and the dissemination of corresponding ideas, approaches, and methods.
03.100.01, 13.020.01
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