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Draft technical rule

VDI 3805 Blatt 37:2022-11 - Draft

Product data exchange in the building services - Indirectly heated and cooled air heaters/fan coils and decentralised façade ventilation units

German title
Produktdatenaustausch in der technischen Gebäudeausrüstung - Indirekt beheizte und gekühlte Lufterhitzer/Fan Coils und dezentrale Fassadenlüftungsgeräte
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Short description
The standard specifies rules for the exchange of product data in computer-aided planning processes for the building services product range of decentralised air-conditioners. It is based on the stadnard VDI 3805 Part 1. For the purposes of design, calculation and representation, all CAD planning systems and calculation and data management programs require the catalogue data of building services products or system components to be available in machine-readable form. The series of standards VDI 3805 describes the uniform data format, independent of manufacturers and electronic data processing systems, for the provision of catalogue data. This standard provides the respective data for decentralised air-conditioners.
35.240.67, 91.140.30
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