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Draft technical rule [WITHDRAWN]

VDI 3803 Blatt 4:2018-11 - Draft

Air-conditioning - System requirements - Air filter systems, (VDI Ventilation Code of Practice)

German title
Raumlufttechnik - Geräteanforderungen - Luftfiltersysteme (VDI-Lüftungsregeln)
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Short description
This standard deals with the application of filters for ventilating and air-conditioning installations for, e. g., residential and administrative spaces, publicly accessible buildings, service and trade enterprises, schools, sports facilities, healthcare buildings, pharmaceutical, laboratory and food-processing areas, industrial ventilation technology. It applies to particle filters. Further separation techniques are addressed. The requirements to be met by air filters in ventilating and air-conditioning installations primarily serve the protection of the health of persons; they may also be determined by technological requirements (e.g. contamination control as per VDI 2083). The standard is intended for use primarily by planners, executors and owners/operators of ventilating and air-conditioning installations. Technological progress and the introduction of DIN EN ISO 16890, as a replacement for DIN EN 779, made it necessary to adapt and amend the standard.
Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: VDI 3803 Blatt 4:2021-09 .

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