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Draft technical rule

VDI 3670 Blatt 2:2025-01 - Draft

Waste gas cleaning - Downstream dust control devices for small-sized solid fuel combustion systems - Boilers

German title
Abgasreinigung - Nachgeschaltete Staubminderungseinrichtungen für Kleinfeuerungsanlagen für feste Brennstoffe - Kesselanlagen
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Short description
This standard describes the state of the art characteristics of downstream dust control devices (also known as separators) for solid and/or liquid particles from boilers that use solid fuels within the scope of the 1st BImSchV.On the basis of this standard, the manufacturer of the boiler, the system operator, the chimney sweeper and the manufacturer of the dust control device can decide which constellation should be used in a specific application in order to safely comply with the required limit values of the 1st BImSchV or other specifications during recurring monitoring.
13.040.40, 27.060.01
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