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Publication Loose-leaf publication 1998-05

DIN-Normen für das Schornsteinfegerhandwerk

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.


228.00 EUR VAT included

213.08 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 2015-12

Kanalbau I-R-D
Zusammenstellung der wesentlichen Technischen Regeln für Inspektion; Reinigung; Dichtheitsprüfung. Güteschutz Kanalbau

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

Only for subscribers of the basic publication.


469.00 EUR VAT included

438.32 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 2015-06

Kanalsanierung in grabenloser Bauweise
Zusammenstellung der wesentlichen Technischen Regeln

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.


469.00 EUR VAT included

438.32 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 2014-05

Kanalbau in offener Bauweise
Zusammenstellung der für die Bauausführung wesentlichen Technischen Regeln

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.


469.00 EUR VAT included

438.32 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 2005

Gebäude- und Grundstücksentwässerung
Kommentare zu DIN EN 12056, DIN 1986 und DIN EN 1610 - DIN-Normen und technische Regeln

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.


422.00 EUR VAT included

394.39 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 2002-09

Regelwerke und deren Anwendung - Materialsammlung im Ordner

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.


396.00 EUR VAT included

370.09 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 2002-01

Betonbau - Materialsammlung
Regelwerke und deren Anwendung

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.


450.00 EUR VAT included

420.56 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 2002

Materialsammlung Vorbeugender Brandschutz
Bemessung, Planung, Prüfverfahren und Rechtsvorschriften - Mit CD-ROM: Rechtsvorschriften

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.


428.00 EUR VAT included

400.00 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 1982

 Sammlung Planen und Bauen
Gesetze, Verordnungen, Richtlinien und Normen für Architekten

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

Only for subscribers of the basic publication.


729.00 EUR VAT included

681.31 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 1977

STB - Sammlung Bauaufsichtlich eingeführte Technische Baubestimmungen

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.


468.00 EUR VAT included

437.38 EUR VAT excluded

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