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Information on the reproduction of DIN Standards

DIN Standards, which include DIN ISO, DIN ISO IEC, DIN IEC, DIN EN, DIN EN ISO, DIN EN ISP, DIN SPEC and DIN ETS Standards and their drafts and supplements, as well as prestandards, (referred to below collectively as “DIN Standards”) are protected by copyright within the meaning of the Urheberrechtsgesetz (German Copyright Act). Without prejudice to the non-transferability of personal rights as laid down in that Act, DIN, as the body responsible for this joint work, exercises the rights transferred to it for the exclusive utilization and exploitation of that work. In the case of DIN Standards with VDE classification, DIN and VDE jointly exercise that right.

In order to carry out its standardization work, DIN relies on the sales of DIN Standards. DIN Standards may only be reproduced with the permission of DIN, and only for certain purposes and in certain formats, provided this does not conflict with the vested interests of DIN. Only one's own copy of the original of a DIN Standard may be reproduced (irrespective of whether on paper or electronic data carrier).

“Reproduction” is any utilization of a DIN Standard to duplicate its content in a readily or non-readily discernible form and regardless of the method used (e.g. photocopying, printing, microfilming, transcribing, scanning, data transfer, etc.).

Note that DIN does not provide documents for reproduction purposes (e.g. the DIN Standards themselves, drawings or plates). DIN Standards can be purchased at any time in printed form or on electronic data carriers from DIN Media GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, or by downloading them from DIN Media's webshop at

Application for permission to reproduce DIN Standards can be made in writing using the form provided, “Request for permission to reproduce DIN Standards”, to be submitted to the Legal Affairs Division of DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.,  Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstraße 6, 10787 Berlin, Germany.

It is strongly recommended that no reproductions be made until permission to do so has been received. Reproduction without permission to do so constitutes an infringement entailing liability to damages and is punishable by law. For reproductions made without the prior consent of DIN, but for which DIN subsequently grants permission, a surcharge of 100 % of the regular fee will be charged.

A fee is due for all reproductions, irrespective of their format size, which reflect the original text of a DIN Standard either wholly or partially, and irrespective of whether the text is given verbatim or insubstantially modified. Examples of insubstantial