Quartz crystal units for frequency control and selection; part 2: guide to the use of quartz crystal units for frequency control and selection; identical with IEC 60122-2:1983
German title
Schwingquarze zur Frequenzstabilisierung und -Selektion; Teil 2: Leitfaden zur Anwendung von Schwingquarzen zur Frequenzstabilisierung und -Selektion; Identisch mit IEC 60122-2:1983
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Quartz crystal units for frequency control and selection; part 2: guide to use of quartz crystal units for frequency control and selection; Section one: quartz crystal units for microprocessor clock supply; identical with IEC 60122-2-1:1991
Quartz crystal units for frequency control and selection; part 3: standard outlines and lead connections; identical with IEC 60122-3:1977 (status as of 1991)