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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI-EE 4031:2024-08

Achieving a team-oriented occupational health and safety culture "Vision Zero" - Operational requirements

German title
Erreichung einer teamorientierten Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutzkultur "Vision Zero" - Betriebliche Anforderungen
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Short description
The expert recommendation presents a company-specific guide to achieving a team-orientated occupational health and safety culture "Vision Zero". Vision Zero is a global vision of the International Social Security Association and provides the strategy for occupational safety and health. Even if a goal of zero accidents and work-related illnesses seems unrealistic to some practitioners, it is the ethically correct goal.This expert recommendation is aimed at company specialists who already have defined processes in place in the area of occupational health and safety and yet have not achieved any further improvement in terms of accidents. As a rule, these will be medium-sized and large companies. The guiding principles of this expert recommendation can also be adapted and applied to small companies.
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