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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 3399 Blatt 1:2023-06

Cylindrical grinding - Basics

German title
Rundschleifen - Grundlagen
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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German, English

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Short description
Cylindrical grinding is the most widespread grinding process in industrial applications and therefore of great relevance. The standard describes circular grinding processes in which the rotating workpiece is mounted between centering points or a clamping chuck. Within this standard different process variants are being classified according to DIN 8589-11. A detailed description of external and internal cylindrical grinding processes as well as non-circular grinding processes and screw grinding processes is given. Besides a process classification of cylindrical grinding processes detailed information regarding the selection of suitable grinding tools and parameters is provided. Furthermore, different machine tools and process limits are being discussed. Lastly, a variety of application examples from industrial practice provides valuable insights into the design of cylindrical grinding processes. This standard addresses experts in the field of work planning and production who require detailed insights into cylindrical grinding processes. It aides in the work planning and preparation process as well as in the design of cylindrical grinding processes.
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