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DIN ISO 9022-23:2016-12

Optics and photonics - Environmental test methods - Part 23: Low pressure combined with cold, ambient temperature and dry or damp heat (ISO 9022-23:2016)

German title
Optik und Photonik - Umweltprüfverfahren - Teil 23: Niedriger Druck in Kombination mit Kälte, Raumtemperatur und trockener oder feuchter Wärme (ISO 9022-23:2016)
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Optical instruments are affected during their use by a number of different environmental parameters which they are required to resist without significant reduction in performance and to remain within defined specifications. The type and severity of these parameters depend on the conditions of use of the instrument (for example, in the laboratory or workshop) and on its geographical location. Individual parameters cause a variety of different and overlapping effects on instrument performance. The manufacturer attempts to ensure, and the user naturally expects, that instruments will resist the likely rigours of their environment throughout their life. This expectation can be assessed by exposure of the instrument to a range of simulated environmental parameters under controlled laboratory conditions. The severity of these conditions is often increased to obtain meaningful results in a relatively short period of time. In order to allow assessment and comparison of the response of optical instruments to appropriate environmental conditions, ISO 9022 contains details of a number of laboratory tests which reliably simulate a variety of different environments. The tests are based largely on IEC standards, modified where necessary to take into account features special to optical instruments. DIN ISO 9022-23 specifies the methods relating to the environmental tests of optical instruments including additional assemblies from other fields (for example, mechanical, chemical, and electronic devices), under equivalent conditions, for their ability to resist the influence of low air pressure combined with cold, including the potential condensation and freezing of water, ambient temperature, and dry or damp heat. DIN ISO 9022-23 is applicable to optical instruments including additional assemblies from other fields, designed for operation and/or transport in high mountainous areas or on board aircraft or missiles. The purpose of the testing is to investigate to what extent optical, climatic, mechanical, chemical, and electrical (including electrostatic) performance characteristics of the specimen are affected by combined low pressure and low, ambient, or high temperature. Furthermore, the additional effects of water condensing and freezing on the instrument or components can be determined. Examples are instruments which are installed or externally mounted on aircraft or missiles or transported inside aircraft or flying objects not providing any pressure equalization. In this edition of the standard, the translation has been standardized and the changes in the ISO 9022 series of standards have been implemented. In this edition of the standard the translation has been standardized and the changes in the ISO 9022 series of standards have been implemented. The responsible committee for this standard is DIN Standards Committee Optics and Precision Mechanics (NAFuO), Working Committee NA 027-01-02 AA "Grundnormen für die Optik" ("Fundamental standards for optics"), Working Group "Umweltbedingungen und -prüfungen" ("Environmental requirements and test methods").

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN ISO 9022-23:2015-03 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN ISO 9022-23:2024-11 .

Cooperation at DIN

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