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DIN ISO 2965:2012-07

Materials used as cigarette papers, filter plug wrap and filter joining paper, including materials having a discrete or oriented permeable zone and materials with bands of differing permeability - Determination of air permeability (ISO 2965:2009)

German title
Materialien für Zigarettenpapiere, Filterstabumhüllungen und Mundstückbelagpapier einschließlich Materialien mit diskreter oder orientierter Zonenperforation und Materialien mit Bändern unterschiedlicher Durchlässigkeit - Bestimmung der Luftdurchlässigkeit (ISO 2965:2009)
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The International Standard ISO 2965:2009 has been adopted in this standard without any modifications. The consultation of the determination of air permeability of materials used as cigarette papers, filter plug wraps and filter joining papers in ISO/TC 126 "Tobacco and tobacco products", Subcommittee SC 1 "Physical and dimensional tests" (secretariat: France), led to the publishing of the 3rd edition of the International Standard ISO 2965 in 2009. Working Committee "Tabak und Tabakerzeugnisse" ("Tobacco and tobacco products") of the Food and Agricultural Products Standards Committee (NAL) at DIN decided to adopt the standard into the German body of standards. The working committee made their decision particularly under consideration of the required harmonization of international and national standards in the field of tobacco and tobacco products. Determination of air permeability of materials used as cigarette papers has been taken place for many years. The methods require development and change because of the changing nature of the paper products and changes in the magnitude of their air permeability. This method has been developed with the technical resources of CORESTA (Cooperative Centre for Research Relative to Tobacco). The International Standard ISO 2965:2009 specifies a method for the determination of air permeability (AP). The standard is applicable to materials used as cigarette papers, filter plug wrap and filter joining paper, including materials having an oriented permeable zone or discrete permeable zones where the measured permeability is in excess of 10 cm 3 (min -1 cm-2) at 1 kPa. In addition, it is applicable to banded cigarette papers, with bands of differing air permeability with bands of width ≥ 4 mm. A test piece is held in a suitable device. A pressure difference is applied across the two faces of the test piece. The resultant flow of air through the test piece is measured. The air flow through the test piece may be produced by applying a positive (blowing) or negative (sucking) pressure to one side of the test piece. The direction of air flow through the test piece shall be that which would occur when the sample is used in the finished product, where known, that is, from the outside face towards the inside face. If the air flow is produced by blowing, an apparatus used should incorporate a filter which protects the test sample from contamination by oil, water and particles. The title and the scope have been supplemented with respect to DIN ISO 2965:2000-01. The standard is also applicable to materials having a discrete or oriented permeable zone and materials with bands of differing permeability. Furthermore, terms and definitions for the different papers have been included and subclause 5.1 has been revised to include two different test piece holders. Subclause 9.5 regarding the results of an international collaborative study and subclause 9.6 regarding the statistical discussion of the results of the international collaborative study have been included as well as subclause B.6 "Calibration certificate". Moreover, Annex E "Compensation of calibration standards" has been added. In order to bring it into line with the current design rules the standard has been technically and editorially revised. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 057-04-01 AA "Tabak und Tabakerzeugnisse" ("Tobacco and tobacco products") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN ISO 2965:2000-01 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN ISO 2965:2021-01 .

Cooperation at DIN

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