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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN ISO 11418-7:2017-02

Containers and accessories for pharmaceutical preparations - Part 7: Screw-neck vials made of glass tubing for liquid dosage forms (ISO 11418-7:2016)

German title
Behältnisse und Zubehör für Arzneimittel - Teil 7: Gewindeflaschen aus Röhrenglas für flüssige Arzneimittel (ISO 11418-7:2016)
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This part of ISO 11418 specifies the design, dimensions, material and requirements of screw-neck vials for pharmaceutical preparations. Screw-neck vials are applicable to primary packs used in direct contact with a drug. This part of ISO 11418 applies to colourless or amber glass vials made from borosilicate or soda-lime-silica glass, made from glass tubing and intended to be used in the packaging, storage or transportation of pharmaceutical products. This document is the German translation of the International Standard ISO 11418-7:2016, which has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 76 "Transfusion, infusion and injection, and blood processing equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use" in collaboration with German experts. The responsible nation standardization committee is Working Committee NA 063-02-15 AA "Elastomere Pharmapackmittel und zugehörige Komponenten" ("Elastomeric pharmaceutical packagings and associated components") at DIN Standards Committee Medicine (NAMed).

11.040.20, 11.120.99
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN ISO 11418-7:1999-01 .

Cooperation at DIN

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