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DIN EN ISO 1833-1:2011-01

Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 1: General principles of testing (ISO 1833-1:2006, including Cor 1:2009); German version EN ISO 1833-1:2010

German title
Textilien - Quantitative chemische Analysen - Teil 1: Allgemeine Grundlagen der Prüfung (ISO 1833-1:2006, einschließlich Cor 1:2009); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 1833-1:2010
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The text of ISO 1833-1:2006, including Cor 1:2009, has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 38 "Textiles" of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and has been adopted as EN ISO 1833-1:2010 by Technical Committee CEN/TC 248 "Textiles and textile products", the secretariat of which is held by the BSI (United Kingdom). The responsible German Committee is NA 062-05-12 AA "Textilchemische Prüfverfahren und Fasertrennung" ("Testing methods for separation and chemistry of textile fibres") of the Material Testing Standards Committee (NMP) at DIN. For information purposes for the user, the introduction of ISO 1833-1 is provided below: In general, the methods described in the different parts of ISO 1833 are based on the selective solution of an individual component. After the removal of a component, the insoluble residue is weighed, and the proportion of soluble component is calculated from the loss in mass. Part 1 of ISO 1833 gives the information which is common to the analyses, by this method, of all fibre mixtures, whatever their composition. This information should be used in conjunction with the other parts of ISO 1833; these parts contain the detailed procedures applicable to particular fibre mixtures. Where, occasionally, an analysis is based on a principle other than selective solution, full details are given in the appropriate part. Mixtures of fibres during processing and, to a lesser extent, finished textiles may contain fats, waxes or dressings, either occurring naturally or added to facilitate processing. Salts and other water-soluble matter may also be present. Some or all of these substances would be removed during analysis, and calculated as the soluble-fibre component. To avoid this error, non-fibrous matter should be removed before analysis. A method of pre-treatment for removing oils, fats, waxes and water-soluble matter is given in Annex A of ISO 1833-1. In addition, textiles may contain resins or other matter added to bond the fibres together or to confer special properties, such as water-repellence or crease-resistance. Such matter, including dyestuffs in exceptional cases, may interfere with the action of the reagent on the soluble component and/or it may be partially or completely removed by the reagent. This type of added matter may also cause errors and should be removed before the sample is analysed. If it is impossible to remove such added matter, the methods of analysis are no longer applicable. Dye in dyed fibres is considered to be an integral part of the fibre and is not removed. Most textile fibres contain water, the amount depending on the type of fibre and on the relative humidity of the surrounding air. Analyses are conducted on the basis of dry mass, and a procedure for determining the dry mass of test specimens and residues is given in ISO 1833-1. The result is therefore obtained on the basis of clean, dry fibres. Provision is made for recalculating the result on the basis of a) agreed allowances for moisture content; b) agreed allowances for moisture and also for 1) fibrous matter removed in the pre-treatment, and 2) non-fibrous matter (for example, fibre dressing, processing oil, or size) that can be properly regarded as part of the fibre as an article of commerce. In some methods, the insoluble component of a mixture may be partially dissolved in the reagent used to dissolve the soluble component. Where possible, reagents have been chosen that have little or no effect on the insoluble fibres. If loss in mass is known to occur during the analysis, the result should be corrected; correction factors for this purpose are given. These correction factors have been determined in several laboratories by treating, in the appropriate reagent as specified in the method of analysis, fibres cleaned by the pre-treatment. These correction factors apply only to undegraded fibres, and different correction factors may be necessary if the fibres have been degraded during processing. The procedures given apply to single determinations; at least two determinations on separate test specimens should be made, but more may be carried out if desired. Before proceeding with any analysis, all the fibres present in the mixture should have been identified. For confirmation, unless it is technically impossible, it is recommended that use be made of alternative procedures whereby the constituent that would be the residue in the standard method is dissolved out first. If it is practicable to separate the components of a mixture manually, the method described in ISO 1833-1, Annex B, should be used in preference to the chemical methods of analysis given in the individual parts of ISO 1833. ISO 1833 consists of the following parts, under the general title Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis: Part 1: General principles of testing Part 2: Ternary fibre mixtures Part 3: Mixtures of acetate and certain other fibres (method using acetone) Part 4: Mixtures of certain protein and certain other fibres (method using hypochlorite) Part 5: Mixtures of viscose, cupro or modal and cotton fibres (method using sodium zincate) Part 6: Mixtures of viscose or certain types of cupro or modal or lyocell and cotton fibres (method using formic acid and zinc chloride) Part 7: Mixtures of polyamide and certain other fibres (method using formic acid) Part 8: Mixtures of acetate and triacetate fibres (method using acetone) Part 9: Mixtures of acetate and triacetate fibres (method using benzyl alcohol) Part 10: Mixtures of triacetate or polylactide and certain other fibres (method using dichloromethane) Part 11: Mixtures of cellulose and polyester fibres (method using sulfuric acid) Part 12: Mixtures of acrylic, certain modacrylics, certain chlorofibres, certain elastanes and certain other fibres (method using dimethylformamide) Part 13: Mixtures of certain chlorofibres and certain other fibres (method using carbon disulfide/acetone) Part 14: Mixtures of acetate and certain chlorofibres (method using acetic acid) Part 15: Mixtures of jute and certain animal fibres (method by determining nitrogen content) Part 16: Mixtures of polypropylene fibres and certain other fibres (method using xylene) Part 17: Mixtures of chlorofibres (homopolymers of vinyl chloride) and certain other fibres (method using sulfuric acid) Part 18: Mixtures of silk and wool or hair (method using sulfuric acid) Part 19: Mixtures of cellulose fibres and asbestos (method by heating) Part 20: Mixtures of elastane and certain other fibres (method using dimethylacetamide) Part 21: Mixtures of chlorofibres, certain modacrylics, certain elastanes, acetates, triacetates and certain other fibres (method using cyclohexanone) The following parts are under preparation: Part 22: Mixtures of viscose or certain types of cupro or modal or lyocell and flax fibres (method using formic acid and zinc chlorate) Part 23: Mixtures of polyethylene and polypropylene (method using cyclohexanone) Part 24: Mixtures of polyester and some other fibres (method using phenol and tetrachloroethane)

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 54200:1974-06 , DIN 54201:1975-08 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 1833-1:2020-09 .

Cooperation at DIN

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