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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 13199:2013-02

Stationary source emissions - Determination of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) in waste gases from non-combustion processes - Non-dispersive infrared analyser equipped with catalytic converter (ISO 13199:2012); German version EN ISO 13199:2012

German title
Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Bestimmung der Summe der flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen (TVOC) in Abgasen, die nicht aus Verbrennungsprozessen stammen - Nicht-dispersives Infrarot-Messgerät mit Konverter (ISO 13199:2012); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 13199:2012
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Short description
This draft specifies the principle, the essential performance criteria and QA/QC procedures of an automatic method for measuring total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) content in waste gases of stationary sources, using non-dispersive infrared absorption (NDIR) analyser equipped with a catalytic converter which oxidises VOC to carbon dioxide. This method is suitable for the measurement of TVOC emissions from non-combustion processes. This method allows the continuous monitoring with permanently installed measuring systems as well as intermittent measurements of TVOC emissions. This method has been tested on field operation for painting and printing processes, where TVOC concentrations in the waste gases were up to about 600 mg/m3.

This standard specifies the principle, the essential performance criteria and QA/QC procedures of an automatic method for measuring total volatile organic compound (TVOC) content in waste gases of stationary sources, using a non-dispersive infrared absorption (NDIR) analyser equipped with a catalytic converter which oxidizes VOC to carbon dioxide. This method is suitable for the measurement of TVOC emissions from non-combustion processes. It allows both continuous monitoring with permanently installed measuring systems, as well as intermittent measurements. The method has been tested on field operation for painting and printing processes, where TVOC concentrations in the waste gases were up to 600 mg/m3. The standard is of special interest for plant users, measuring institutes, surveillance authorities and analyser manufacturers.


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