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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 13138:2012-04

Air quality - Sampling conventions for airborne particle deposition in the human respiratory system (ISO 13138:2012); German version EN ISO 13138:2012

German title
Luftbeschaffenheit - Probenahmekonventionen für die Abscheidung luftgetragener Partikel im menschlichen Atmungssystem (ISO 13138:2012); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 13138:2012
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Sampling conventions to define idealized samplers for estimating the deposition of non-volatile, non-hygroscopic, non-fibrous aerosols in five specific loci of the respiratory tract are specified. The five loci consist of the anterior and posterior areas of the nasal passages, the ciliated and non-ciliated parts of the tracheobronchial area, and the alveolar (gas exchange) region. The conventions are separated into three independent sampling efficiencies defined in terms of thermodynamic diameter characterizing the diffusive (Brownian) motion of sub-micrometre particles and four efficiencies in terms of aerodynamic diameter of more than 0,1 µm characterizing deposition by impaction, interception or gravitational settling. Each conventional curve has been developed as an average of 12 deposition curves corresponding to 12 breathing conditions ranging from sitting to heavy exercise, male versus female, and breathing mode (mouth versus nasal breathing). The standard has been prepared in accordance with the Vienna Agreement under the leadership of ISO/TC 146/SC 2 "Workplace atmospheres" (secretariat: ANSI, USA) in collaboration with CEN/TC 137 "Assessment of workplace exposure to chemical and biological agents" (secretariat: DIN). The responsible German standardization committee is Working Group NA 095-03-01-01 AK "Staub" ("Particulate matter") of Working Committee "Messstrategien und Anforderungen an Messverfahren"("Measurement strategies and requirements for test methods") of NASG.


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