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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 62459:2011-07

Sound system equipment - Electroacoustic transducers - Measurement of suspension parts (IEC 62459:2010); German version EN 62459:2011

German title
Elektroakustische Geräte - Elektroakustische Wandler - Messung der Aufhängungsteile (IEC 62459:2010); Deutsche Fassung EN 62459:2011
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This International Standard applies to the suspension parts of electroacoustic transducers (for example, loudspeakers). It defines the parameters and measurement methods to determine the properties of suspension parts like spiders, surrounds, diaphragms or cones before being assembled in the transducer. Static and dynamic methods have been developed for measuring the suspension parts at small and high amplitudes. Due to the visco-elastic properties of the suspension material (fabric, rubber, foam, paper) the measurement results depend on the measurement conditions and are not comparable between different methods. For example, the properties measured by static method significantly deviate from the dynamic behaviour of the suspension material when excited by an audio signal. The measurement results are needed for engineering design purposes and for quality control. Furthermore, this method is intended to improve the correlation of measurements between suspension-part manufacturers and loudspeaker manufacturers. The responsible Committee is UK 742.5 "Lautsprecher" ("Loudspeakers") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Informational Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

Replacement amendments

This document has been corrected by: DIN EN 62459 Berichtigung 1:2016-04 .

Cooperation at DIN

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