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This part of IEC 60384 is a generic specification and applies to fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment. It introduces standard terms, control and test methods for use in sectional and detail standards for electronic components for quality assessment or other purposes. The specification system for fixed capacitors for use in electronic devices has a hierarchical structure. The generic specification covers all topics that essentially apply to the entire family of fixed capacitors for use in electronic devices, such as terminology, measurement and test methods. If the individual topics require the definition of conditions or parameters that relate specifically to the particular subfamily or type of fixed capacitor, these definitions shall be specified in one of the subordinate specifications. Sectional specifications cover all topics that supplement the information in the generic specification and apply specifically to a defined subgroup of fixed capacitors. These topics usually include preferred values for dimensions and properties, additional test methods and corresponding specifications for the test methods stated in the generic specification, specifications for sampling and preparation of test specimens, recommended test severities and preferred acceptance criteria. The sectional specification also describes the structure and scope of the test plans to be used in all subordinate detail specifications. For solid capacitors, the reference numbers of the sectional specifications range from IEC 60384-2 for plastic film capacitors to currently IEC 60384-26 for aluminum electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte. The variety of sectional specifications can be adapted to the different technologies for solid capacitors. Detail specifications list, directly or by reference to other specifications, all the information necessary to fully describe a particular design and a specified range of solid capacitors, including the definition of all values for dimensions and characteristics. They also contain all the information necessary for the quality assessment of the particular type and range of fixed capacitors within the scope of an appropriate quality assessment system, including the definition of all applicable test severities and acceptance criteria and the finalized test plans. Detail specifications may be specifications within the IEC system, another specification system linked to the IEC system or specifications defined by the manufacturer or user. For example, for fixed capacitors, the reference number of the detail specification is IEC 60384-3-101, if IEC 60384-3 is the associated sectional specification, and the supplementary form for detail specification is IEC 60384-3-1. The hierarchically structured specification system is supplemented by one or more forms for detail specifications to form a sectional specification used to ensure a uniform presentation of the detail specifications. The detail specification form provides the specification author with a template for the design to be used and the information to be included, as well as a guide for preparing detail specifications in accordance with the requirements of the higher-level generic or sectional specification. Detail specification forms are not "corresponding specifications" as they do not themselves describe a specific component. A defined hierarchical specification system with detail specification forms enables the preparation of detail specifications even outside the responsible IEC Technical Committee. Clause 2 of the standard contains the technical data, the units and symbols, the terms, the preferred values and the marking, Clause 3 refers to the quality assessment procedure, while Clause 4 describes the tests and measurement procedures. Informative Annex A describes the design of sampling plans and procedures according to IEC 60410 for use in the IEC quality assessment system, informative Annex B describes the rules for the preparation of detail specifications for capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment for use in the IECQ system, informative Annex C describes the design of the first page of a PCP/CQC specification and informative Annex D describes the requirements for the capability approval. The informative appendix E contains a guide for pulse testing of capacitors, the informative appendix F the guide for extended endurance tests on fixed capacitors, the normative appendix G the test method damp heat, constant, with applied voltage only for plastic film capacitors with metallized coatings and the normative Annex H the test method damp heat, constant, accelerated test only for multilayer ceramic capacitors. The informative Annex Q describes the quality assessment procedure. This generic specification and the associated sectional and detail specifications can be used as part of a complete quality assessment system. The responsible committee is DKE/K 611 "Kondensatoren" ("Condensers") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.
This document replaces DIN EN 60384-1:2010-05; VDE 0565-1:2010-05 .
This document has been replaced by: DIN EN IEC 60384-1:2023-10; VDE 0565-1:2023-10 .