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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 50551-2:2014-03

Simplex and duplex cables to be used for cords - Part 2: Detailed specification and minimum requirements for a 3,0 mm simplex ruggedised single mode fibre cable to be used for patchcords/cords category U; German version EN 50551-2:2013

German title
Simplex- und Duplex-Kabel, die in konfektionierten Leitungen benutzt werden - Teil 2: Bauartspezifikation und Mindestanforderungen für ein 3,0 mm-Simplex-Einmodenfaserkabel mit zusätzlichem Schutz für konfektionierte Kabel/Leitungen der Kategorie U; Deutsche Fassung EN 50551-2:2013
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This European Standard describes the minimum set of requirements that a simplex ruggedized single mode fibre cable shall meet in order to allow termination with a connector for use in category U (Uncontrolled Environment). The standard includes references to parts of the series of standards EN 60793 and EN 60794, describing in detail the requirements and tests for optical fibres and/or cables. Regarding the fire behavior, there is a reference to other European and International Standards as well as to local regulations. The body responsible is DKE/UK 412.2 "Lichtwellenleiter und Lichtwellenleiterkabel" ("Optical fibres and cables") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.


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