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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN 16582-1:2015-11

Domestic swimming pools - Part 1: General requirements including safety and test methods; German version EN 16582-1:2015

German title
Schwimmbäder für private Nutzung - Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen einschließlich sicherheitstechnischer Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren; Deutsche Fassung EN 16582-1:2015
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This European Standard specifies the general safety and quality requirements and test methods for domestic swimming pools. These requirements and test methods are applicable to inground, aboveground or recessed swimming pool structures, including their installation and means of access. This standard does not apply to: - pools for public use covered by EN 15288-1; - spas for domestic use; - paddling pools according to EN 71-8. This part specifies the requirements, including safety requirements and test methods, generally applicable to swimming pools for private use. For specific types of swimming pools these requirements are supplemented or modified by the requirements of specific standards published as additional parts of this European Standard. Where specific standards exist, this general standard should not be used alone. Special attention is required when applying this general standard alone to swimming pools for which no specific standard has been published to date. Users of this standard could either be in a business to consumer relationship (B-C), such as builders, designers, vendors and so on, or in a business to business relationship (B-B), such as manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and so on. It is assumed that the safe products (that is, products with a high level of quality) are the basis for consumer safety and therefore this European Standard should take the following points into account: - product safety and fitness for use requirements; - safe design and installation and safety requirements for procedures and preparation; - safe use, which could include information and red warning signs for consumers (for example "Do not leave children unattended in swimming pools."). Particular attention should be paid to the environmental protection aspects of CEN Guide 4 (for example, avoidance of water wastage and so on). The responsible German committee is Working Committee NA 112-05-01 AA "Privat genutzte Schwimmbadanlagen und -geräte" ("Private use swimming pool facilities and equipment") at DIN Standards Committee Sports Equipment (NASport).

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 16582-1:2021-07 .

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