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This European Standard (EN 1396:2015) specifies the special requirements to coil coated sheet and strip from aluminium and aluminium alloys for general applications. These products are generally supplied in thicknesses up to 3,0 mm. It applies to cold-rolled aluminium and aluminium alloy strip coated by the coil coating process both with liquid as well as with powder paints, either in the final width or slit afterwards, and to sheet obtained from such strip. It does not apply to coil coated sheet and strip used for special applications such as cans, closures and lids which are dealt with in separate EN 541. This document has been prepared at Working Group WG 7 "Sheets, strips and plates" (secretariat: AFNOR), of Technical Committee CEN/TC 132 "Aluminium and aluminium alloys" (secretariat: AFNOR) of the European Standard of Standardization (CEN) with German participation. The responsible German body involved in its preparation is Working Committee NA 066-01-06 AA "Bänder, Bleche, Platten" ("Sheet, strip and plate") at DIN Standards Committee Nonferrous Metals (FNNE).
This document replaces DIN EN 1396:2007-04 .
This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 1396:2023-10 .