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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN 13936:2014-04

Workplace exposure - Procedures for measuring a chemical agent present as a mixture of airborne particles and vapour - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 13936:2014

German title
Exposition am Arbeitsplatz - Messung eines als Mischung aus luftgetragenen Partikeln und Dampf vorliegenden chemischen Arbeitsstoffes - Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren; Deutsche Fassung EN 13936:2014
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Performance requirements and test methods for the evaluation of procedures for measuring a chemical agent present as a mixture of airborne particles and vapour in workplace air are specified. General principles are further established to enable developers and users of mixed-phase samplers and methods to adopt a consistent approach to method validation. Furthermore, a framework for the assessment of method performance in accordance with EN 482 is provided. In two informative Annexes possible sampling procedures for mixtures of airborne particles and vapour and their physical behavior are illustrated. The standard is not applicable to methods that differentiate between the sampled airborne particles and vapour and neither to chemical agents present in different chemical and physical forms (for example, mercury in the form of Hg (0) and Hg (II)). The standard is a revision of the draft European Standard ENV 13936:2001 withdrawn without replacement, performed by CEN/TC 137 "Assessment of workplace exposure to chemical and biological agents" (secretariat: DIN) under decisive participation of German experts. The relevant national mirror committee is NA 095-03-01 AA "Messstrategien und Anforderungen an Messverfahren" ("Measurement strategies and requirements for test methods") at NASG.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN V ENV 13936:2001-10 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 23861:2023-02 .

Cooperation at DIN

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