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DIN EN 1143-2:2014-09

Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of tests for resistance to burglary - Part 2: Deposit systems; German version EN 1143-2:2014

German title
Wertbehältnisse - Anforderungen, Klassifizierung und Methoden zur Prüfung des Widerstandes gegen Einbruchdiebstahl - Teil 2: Deposit-Systeme; Deutsche Fassung EN 1143-2:2014
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Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union, it is deemed a harmonized standard and thus, a manufacturer applying this standard may assume compliance with the requirements of the Machinery Directive (so called presumption of conformity). On the basis of this European Standard, deposit systems (deposit safes and night safes) are tested and classified according to their resistance to burglary attacks. The laboratory tests simulate known attack methods and such methods and tools which are supposed to be used for attacking these types of products. This European Standard does not cover protection of persons using the deposit system or the prevention of fraud committed by operators of the deposit system. This standard contains the German version of EN 1143-2:2014 which has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 263 "Secure storage of cash, valuables and data media". The changes of EN 1143-2:2014 compared to EN 1143-2:2001 are as follows: a) Editorial - Restructuring and rewording The text has been restructured and reworded to make the standard easier to read and understand. Mainly the test clauses of deposit system attacks have been changed so the cross-references in the document are reduced. A new tool list (Annex C) of "Additional tools for deposit tool attack tests (manipulation and fishing devices)" has been added. b) Technical - Implementation of relevant additions and changes in EN 1143-1 since 2001 During the period from December 2001 when the second part of EN 1143 (EN 1143-2) was issued up to now, Part 1 of the standard (EN 1143-1) has been reviewed several times and two amendments have been published. The amendments of EN 1143-1 have been implemented or not implemented as follows: - CD attacks have not been implemented as an option - GAS explosive attacks have been implemented as an option (see 9.4 and 10.4). c) Fixing system test Night safes and deposit safes now have the identical test procedure on their fixing system (see Clause 11). The anchoring test now complies with that of ATM safes according to EN 1143-1:2012. It is first attempted to remove or weaken any external fixings, then a force is applied and afterwards a tool attack test on the fixing attachments is performed. d) Updating of references The references in the existing standard were out of date and were therefore updated. e) Reduction of the scope The scope has been reduced so the standard is valid only for deposit systems with receiving units (when closed) having at least one internal side less than or equal to 1 m (see 4.3 - Requirements for receiving units). f) Distributed systems Requirements of distributed systems were added (see 4.4.3). Examples of integrated and distributed deposit systems are given in Annex B. The national interests during the preparation are represented by Committee NA 060-20-01 AA "Geldschränke und Tresoranlagen" ("Safes and strongrooms") at Technical Section "Safes and strongrooms" of the Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering (NAM) at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 1143-2:2002-09 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 1143-2:2024-12 .

Cooperation at DIN

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