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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 9809:2017-02

Food processing machinery - Distance and supporting rings for mincers - System Unger

German title
Nahrungsmittelmaschinen - Einlegeringe und Stützkreuze für Wölfe - System Unger
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This standard has been prepared by committee NA 060-18-02 AA "Fleischverarbeitungsmaschinen" ("Meat processing machinery") at Technical Section "Food Processing Machinery" at DIN Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering (NAM). Representatives of the manufacturers and users of meat processing machinery as well as representatives of the employers' liability insurance associations contributed to this standard. This standard specifies dimensions for distance and supporting rings for Unger system mincersin sizes R70 mm to X400 mm. The standard differs from DIN 9809:1977-08 as follows: a) the standard now also includes supporting rings; b) the title of the standard has been changed; c) the foreword and bibliography respectively contain the references to the family of standards on cutting sets for mincers; d) the foreword partly contains the clause "Explanations"; e) the foreword contains the clause "Previous editions"; f) Figure 1 and Figure 2, additional reference surface "A" for the shape and position tolerance of the groove; g) Table 1, inclusion of a second housing wedge width to take into account the requirements of DIN EN 12331 according to coded cutting sets; h) Table 1, the code letter for the marking is now part of the size; i) Table 1, the sizes K280 mm and X400 mm have been added; j) Table 1, the tolerance for the groove width and depth as well as the parallelism of the running surfaces has been changed; k) surface roughness has been changed; l) the "Designation" clause has been omitted; m) the "Marking" clause has been revised.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 9809:1977-08 .

Cooperation at DIN

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