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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN 81208-20:2010-10

Manoeuvring of ships - Part 20: Rotating arm test; Text in German and English

German title
Manövrieren von Schiffen - Teil 20: Rundlaufversuch; Text Deutsch und Englisch
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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German, English

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This standard belongs to the DIN 81208 standard series. The standard series deals with trial tests for ship models or full-scale ships. The results of these tests allow the designer (for model tests) or the ship's management (for full-scale ships) to draw conclusions about the manoeuvrability and sea handling qualities of the ship. Furthermore, the results of these tests partly serve as a contractual basis and must be verified when the ship is handed over. This standard describes a rotating arm test which is conducted on a ship model and is intended for the determination of the hydrodynamic forces and moments as a function of the angular velocity for surface ships primarily about the z-axis, for submarines primarily about the z-axis as well as the y-axis.

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN ISO 13643-6:2015-10 .

Cooperation at DIN

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