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Maschinenbau und Messwesen

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Machinery Service online

Online service 2024-11

Machinery Service online

The contract is renewed for a further year unless it is terminated no less than 3 months before the end of the respective renewal period.

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase implies subscription for at least one year.

Current as of 2024-11

from 42.58 EUR/Month incl. VAT.

from 511.00 EUR/Year incl. VAT.

Collection of Standards Hydrogen

Online service 2025-02

Collection of Standards Hydrogen

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase implies subscription for at least one year.

Current as of 2025-02

Engineering design portal

Online service 2024-11

Engineering design portal

The contract is renewed for a further year unless it is terminated no less than 3 months before the end of the respective renewal period.

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase implies subscription for at least one year.

Current as of 2024-11

from 5.25 EUR/Month incl. VAT.

from 63.00 EUR/Year incl. VAT.


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