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Publication Loose-leaf publication 2014-05

Kanalbau in offener Bauweise
Zusammenstellung der für die Bauausführung wesentlichen Technischen Regeln

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.


469.00 EUR VAT included

438.32 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 2015-06

Kanalsanierung in grabenloser Bauweise
Zusammenstellung der wesentlichen Technischen Regeln

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.


469.00 EUR VAT included

438.32 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 2015-12

Kanalbau I-R-D
Zusammenstellung der wesentlichen Technischen Regeln für Inspektion; Reinigung; Dichtheitsprüfung. Güteschutz Kanalbau

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

Only for subscribers of the basic publication.


469.00 EUR VAT included

438.32 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 1981

Werkstoff-Handbuch der Deutschen Luftfahrt Teil II - Nichtmetallische Werkstoffe
Band 2: Dichtmassen und Haftgrundmittel, Anstrichstoffe, Vollholz, Schichtholz, Sperrholz, Bespanngewebe, vorimprägnierte Aramidgewebe (Prepes), vorimprägnierte Glasfilamentgewebe, Filamentgewebe aus E-Glas, Rovings aus E-Glas

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.

811.40 EUR VAT included

758.32 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 1982-02

Werkstoff-Hdb der Deutschen Luftfahrt Teil I Band 1
German Aviation materials manual; part I: metallic materials; volume 1: steels and non-ferrous metals (except light metals)

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.

717.80 EUR VAT included

670.84 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 1982-02

Werkstoff-Hdb der Deutschen Luftfahrt Teil I Band 2
German Aviation materials manual; part I: metallic materials; volume 2: light metals

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.

766.00 EUR VAT included

715.89 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 1981

Werkstoff-Handbuch der Deutschen Luftfahrt Teil II - Nichtmetallische Werkstoffe
Band 1: Kunststoffe und faserverstärkte Kunststoffe (FK), Klebstoffe, Haftgrundmittel für Klebstoffe, Elastomere

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.

676.60 EUR VAT included

632.34 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 2018-08

AD 2000-Regelwerk
Druckbehälter - Kompletter Satz

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.


1225.00 EUR VAT included

1144.86 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 2010-08

Amtliche Sammlung von Untersuchungsverfahren nach § 64 LFGB, § 38 TabakerzG, § 28b GenTG
Band VI (G) Probenahme- und Untersuchungsverfahren für die Überwachung nach dem Gentechnikrecht

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.

105.00 EUR VAT included

98.13 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication Loose-leaf publication 1982

Amtliche Sammlung von Untersuchungsverfahren nach § 64 LFGB, § 38 TabakerzG, § 28b GenTG
Band IV (T) Verfahren zur Probenahme und Untersuchung von Tabakerzeugnissen

DIN Media offers this product exclusively to customers who are not consumers as defined in § 13 BGB (the German Civil Code).

On subscription only. Purchase of basic work implies subscription for at least one year. The price of updates depends on their size. It is always the current version that is delivered.

105.00 EUR VAT included

98.13 EUR VAT excluded

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